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Henrique Salinas talks about José Sócrates' first day of questioning


Henrique Salinas, Partner in charge of CCA's Economic, Criminal & Compliance area, was invited to the evening edition of SIC Notícias, where he spoke about the first day of questioning of José Socrates during the instruction phase of Operation Marquês. About five years after being arrested on suspicion of money laundering, corruption, tax evasion and falsification of documents, the former prime minister began to be questioned now.

This pre-trial phase, which is optional and serves as a judicial review mechanism for prosecutions, shall end with the judge's decision whether or not to prosecute the defendants and the conditions under which it occurs. As Henrique Salinas states, "when we are in an instruction phase, we have to admit that there is room for the defendants not to be accused. This instruction phase is quite complex and may eventually lead to results other than full confirmation of the accusation".

"So far we know very little about the production of evidence, all the more that the Investigating Judge shall have access, and shall have to decide, based on all the evidence in the case. Therefore, it is a new look, from someone who is impartial, who did not have any participation in the collection of evidence and who may possibly have a different look than that of the Public Prosecutor", said Henrique Salinas.