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João Tornada talks about the limits of artistic freedom


João Tornada, Associate of the Litigation and Arbitration Department at CCA Law Firm, writes an opinion piece for Público on the limits of artistic freedom, analyzing the controversy surrounding the music/video of Portuguese rapper Valete.

In response to this controversy, the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality issued a statement stating that artists, especially those who influence young people, should "take on greater responsibility for fighting violence, especially violence against women". However, according to the Lawyer, "it is worrying that it is a central state service that tells us that the solution is to remove certain themes from the artistic world. The crime of encouraging violence presupposes a voluntary act that causes or incites violence against a certain group of people (women in this case) because of their gender identity (...) If the level of violence in the video is at stake, then age ratings should be used for viewing (+18 years, for example), not its prohibition".

"With regard to the danger that political correctness poses to artistic freedom, encouraging self-censorship and taboo, the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality has not yet addressed this issue. Perhaps it is time", said João Tornada.