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Martim Menezes talks about the Regressar program


Martim Menezes, CCA's law firm Partner and head of the Portugal Link service, wrote an opinion piece for Bom dia Europa on the Regressar program, created by the Portuguese government, designed to support the return of all those who have emigrated in recent times, thus addressing the recruitment difficulties that have been felt in Portugal.

"The creation of the Regressar program is not only aimed at reversing the huge flight of talent of the recent years, but rather at repairing the economic gap caused by such significant emigration to the national economy. In recent years we have been seeing economic growth that, though timid, is only viable if there are more hiring and a joint economic recovery effort, with attractive programs and investments for the Portuguese diaspora", sates the lawyer.

Nevertheless, the submission and application process for the new government program may not be very intuitive, as it may not be clear to understand the benefits that can be gained from it, so Martim Menezes summarizes the essentials in three points, to learn everything you need about the Regressar program.