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Alcina de Oliveira Alves fala sobe o seu percurso profissional à revista Iberian Lawyer


Alcina de Oliveira Alves, Associada Sénior do Departamento de TMT, fala à Iberian Lawyer sobre o seu percurso na CCA, sobre o trabalho que desempenha no departamento de TMT, a sua visão da advocacia e sobre o que a levou a escolher ser advogada. A advogada foi entrevistada para a rubrica "Young and unstoppable", que destaca as jovens promessas da advocacia ibérica.

Para a Alcina, "Clients want to feel that lawyers are part of their team. Clients want lawyers to share the same enthusiasm they do for their new product yet to be launched and that lawyers understand its mechanics like the engineer that created it. We are no longer working from a tower, distant and protected. We are seated at the client desk every day."

”At CCA, I’ve found (something still present) a youthful and relaxed environment. You can be who you want to be, and quite frankly, I’m far from the classical lawyer archetype, so that was very important to me, working in a firm that allowed me to express my personality freely", acrescenta.