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Domingos Cruz reflects on entrepreneurship, venture capital and industry 4.0



The 2008 financial crisis was able to awaken an entire generation to a phenomenon that was happening all over the world: entrepreneurship. It was this shift towards entrepreneurship based on technological innovation that truly changed the paradigm and, for the first time, Portugal managed to join the 4.0 industrial revolution on time. In an opinion piece for Vida Judiciária, Domingos Cruz, Managing Partner at CCA Law Firm, reflects on the entrepreneurial ecosystem and attracting investment funds in Portugal.

This past year was the last year with enticing conditions for attracting SIFIDE funds, so the Portuguese entrepreneurship ecosystem is now at a defining moment, at a fork in the road that will, at the very least, dictate the fate of this industry for the next decade,” emphasises CCA's Managing Partner.

  • Vida Judiciária