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Domingos Cruz talks about the compatibility between ethics and technology


Domingos Cruz, Managing Partner of CCA Law Firm, in statements to Jornal Económico, speaks about the compatibility between ethics and the duties of the legal profession with the technological change in the sector, alerting to the need to guarantee the fulfillment of these duties.

"Technological change brings the simplification and reduction of processes and procedures bureaucracy for companies and draws attention to the topic of cybersecurity and the need to create mechanisms that further protect the confidential information of law firms and their clients", says Domingos Cruz, adding that "in this sense, we have witnessed a deepening of the code of ethics with the strengthening of the duties and obligations of the lawyer, mainly in matters of money laundering and financing of terrorism".

Nevertheless, the strengthening of obligations can lead to conflicts for the lawyer, or lead companies to withdraw investments from certain areas of the law, considering that two of the basic principles may be in conflict "the duty to professional secrecy and the obligation to report risk situations in the scope of money laundering or financing of terrorism. To adapt to these new requirements and ensure that all these new requirements imposed on us are met, a multidisciplinary committee has been created to analyse and ensure that the ethical duties are always fulfilled (conflict of interests, KYC and AML)".